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Leonardo da Vinci | Seite 3

Leonardo da Vinci | Seite 3

1703 Werke gefunden



Leonardo da Vinci
A Lily, c1480 1945
1480 | Tinte / Stift / Waschen / Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
Allegory with wolf and eagle, c1...
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Ornithogalum (Star of Bethlehem)
undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa, 1503-19
1503 | Öl auf Platte

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Leonardo da Vinci
Fight between a Dragon and a Lio...
Undatiert | braune Tinte mit Waschung auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
St. John the Baptist, 1513-16
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Leonardo da Vinci
One of Leonardo da Vinci's desig...
Undatiert | Feder und Tinte auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
Drawing of Two Halves of a Skull...
1480 | Füller

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Leonardo da Vinci
unknown drawing of androgyn corp...
undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
The adoration of the Magi
Undatiert | Malerei

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Leonardo da Vinci
Notes and sketches of botany and...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Urban planning: architectural pl...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
The Mona Lisa (or La Joconde, La...
1503 | Öl auf Panel

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Leonardo da Vinci
Model reconstruction of da Vinci...
Undatiert | Holz, Metall und Schnur

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Leonardo da Vinci
Portrait of Beatrice d'Este (147...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Allegories of Pleasure and Pain ...
1480 | Füller

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Leonardo da Vinci
Groteske Köpfe
undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Five grotesque heads, drawing by...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of hands, 15th century 1930.
1930 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Neptune with Four Sea-Horses, c1...
1480 | Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
Saint John the Baptist
1513 | Öl auf Panel

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of flowers, pen drawing on...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
1452 | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
The Virgin of the Rocks, 1491-1519
1491 | Ölgemälde

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Leonardo da Vinci
Model reconstruction of da Vinci...
Undatiert | Holz, Stoff und Schnur

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Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa, detail of her hands, ...
Undatiert | Öl auf Panel

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Leonardo da Vinci
1515 | Grafik

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Leonardo da Vinci
1472 | Gemälde

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Leonardo da Vinci
Detail of the Dragon from the dr...
Undatiert | braune Tinte mit Waschung auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
1492 | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Studio del Corpo Umano
1452 | Tinte auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
Animal studies: quail, by Leonar...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Madonna and Child with a Cat, 14...
1478 | Füller

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Leonardo da Vinci
Detail of La Cene (Il Cenacolo (...
Undatiert | Fresko

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Leonardo da Vinci
Youths head; drawing by Leonardo...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Model reconstruction of da Vinci...
Undatiert | Holz, Metall und Schnur

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of the Hanged Bernardo di ...
1479 | Tinte und Feder auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
Perspectival study of The Adora...
1481 | Stift und Tinte, Spuren von Silberpunkt und Weiß auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
1513 | Gemälde

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Leonardo da Vinci
Design for a parabolic swing bri...
1954 |

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Wenceslaus Hollar
Fries met studiekoppen / Karikat...
Undatiert | Papier

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Heinrich Aldegrever
Undatiert | Papier

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Heinrich Aldegrever
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Leonardo da Vinci
Five caricature heads
1490 | Tinte auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
Stella octangula, from 'De Divin...
1509 | Gravur

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Leonardo da Vinci
Allegory: A Crowned Eagle Standi...
1480 | Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
Angel Gabriel, from the Annuncia...
Undatiert | Öl auf Holz

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Leonardo da Vinci
The Baptism of Christ around 147...
Undatiert | gemischt

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Leonardo da Vinci
Notes and sketches of botany and...
Undatiert | Miniatur

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Leonardo da Vinci
Drapery Study for a kneeling fig...
Undatiert | Pinsel und bräunlich-graue Leimfarbe mit Weiß gehöht auf Leinen

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Leonardo da Vinci
Plan for an ideal city, 1488-149...
1954 |

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Wenceslaus Hollar
Hoofd van man met krullend haar,...
Undatiert | Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of Clasped Hands, c1480 1945
1480 | Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
Drawings of a Left Leg Showing B...
1480 | Füller

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Leonardo da Vinci
Drawings of a Square Castle, c14...
1480 | Feder/Tinte

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Leonardo da Vinci
Deluge, c1480 1945
1480 | Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
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Leonardo da Vinci
Head of a Young Girl
Undatiert | Bleistift auf Papier

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Leonardo da Vinci
Flow of eddies in a waterfall, 1...
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (Bel...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Portrait of an Unknown Woman, ca...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Madonna of the Rocks detail, 148...
1482 | Ölgemälde

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Leonardo da Vinci
The Baptism of Christ, detail of...
1470 | Öl auf Holz

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Leonardo da Vinci
Model reconstruction of da Vinci...
Undatiert | Holz, Stoff und Schnur

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Leonardo da Vinci
Woman's face, drawing by Leonard...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of five grotesque heads, c...
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
The Madonna and Child (The Litta...
1490 | Öl auf Leinwand

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Leonardo da Vinci
Emblematic representation, c1472...
1883 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Beatrice dEste 1475-1497, c1490.
1490 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study for the Last Supper: sangu...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Volano (meccanica)
undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da V...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Pen and ink sketches by Leonardo...
1913 | Feder/Tinte

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Leonardo da Vinci
Reconstruction of da Vinci's des...
Undatiert | Holz

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Leonardo da Vinci
Head of a Bear, c1480 1945
1480 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Studies of a Dog and of a Cat, c...
1480 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Landscape of Santa Maria della N...
Undatiert | Malerei

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Leonardo da Vinci
Trivulzio Monument, c1511
1511 | Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
Wing. Flying machine drawing. Ma...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
The Virgin of the Rocks
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio
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Leonardo da Vinci
Profile to the Left of an Elderl...
1480 | Füller

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of the Lower Half of a Nud...
1480 | Kreide

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Leonardo da Vinci
Studies of cats, 1513-1515 1954
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Maiden with a Unicorn, c1480 1954.
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Drawings of Bernardo di Bandino ...
1883 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
St. John the Baptist, 16th century
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Leonardo da Vinci
undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
15. Jahrhundert | Grafik

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Leonardo da Vinci
Flying machine drawing. Manuscri...
Undatiert | Zeichnung

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Leonardo da Vinci
Saint John the Baptist, 1513-1516.
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
The Virgin, the Child Jesus, Sai...
Undatiert | Öl auf Leinwand

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Leonardo da Vinci
Centrally planned buildings, dra...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Unicorn attacking a cow and leop...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Sketch of a rolling mill, c1500-...
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Detail of the Angel, from The Vi...
Undatiert | Öl auf Panel

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Leonardo da Vinci
Study of flowers, c1481-1483 1954.
1954 |

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Leonardo da Vinci
1472 | Gemälde

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Leonardo da Vinci
Seven grotesque heads; drawing b...
Undatiert |

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Leonardo da Vinci
Town plan of Imola
1502 | Bleistift, Kreide, Stift und auf Papier waschen

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Leonardo da Vinci
Dodecahedron, from 'De Divina Pr...
1509 | Gravur

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Seite 3 / 18

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